CertsView Training
Assessing alarm companies for their ability to install, maintain, inspect and monitor fire alarm systems — facilitating transparency and strengthening confidence between property owners, code authorities, insurance companies and government agencies.
Our Fire and Security Service Solutions provide property owners, regulatory authorities and insurance agencies with confidence that the services provided by an alarm company are in compliance with the appropriate industry standards. Our technical experts assess alarm companies for their ability to install, maintain, test, inspect and monitor alarm systems.
A property’s alarm system can only be issued a UL certificate by a UL Listed alarm company. Why is this important? To become UL Listed, an alarm company must demonstrate exceptional competence and consistent adherence to relevant codes and standards. To maintain their UL listing, the alarm company must successfully demonstrate this level of service through an audit conducted by us on an annual basis.
The UL certificate is an alarm company’s declaration that the alarm system equipment, installation, maintenance and service meet, and often exceed, minimum standard requirements, giving AHJs and alarm system subscribers confidence in alarm system performance.
CertsView offers a more modern certificate management experience. The new certificate dashboard provides a quick visual summary of your account, with advanced sorting and filtering capabilities, which makes managing your certificates easier than ever. CertsView is compatible with multiple browsers and can be accessed using your mobile device.
In times of a public health crisis, techniques including quarantine, social distancing, work from home and other changes impacting daily life might impact alarm service certifications.
Our Fire and Security Solutions program sets minimum standards for the installation and servicing of an alarm system, which helps facilitate a fair bidding process for alarm companies and alarm system subscribers.
Additionally, service elements, including signal monitoring, retransmission, runner service and record keeping, comply with applicable UL Standard(s) and nationally recognized codes, promoting transparency between alarm companies, authorities having jurisdiction (AHJs) and alarm system subscribers.
We’ve been partnering with the alarm industry for more than a century to improve the safety and effectiveness of alarm system installation and services. Our experienced technical experts wrote the Standards referenced by alarm companies, authorities having jurisdiction (AHJs) and other third-party verifiers to assess alarm system installation and services across North America. We continue to partner with our customers and other industry stakeholders to enhance and expand our fire and security solutions program to empower trust in alarm systems and services across the country.
CertsView Training
Monitoring for fire alarms - decision tree
Benefits to fire alarm certification for alarm service companies
Benefits of fire alarm service to the code authorities
Next steps to fire alarm compliance
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