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Homer® Front

Hybrid Optimization

Optimize performance of battery energy storage systems as well as solar, wind and hybrid energy projects to maximize value.

Graphical depiction of solar and wind energy going into an energy storage device


Maximize value and mitigate risks of energy storage for solar, wind and hybrid projects

Evaluate major energy markets worldwide


Robust online platforms to streamline analysis

HOMER Front Hybrid Optimization, part of ULTRUS™ software, is built on UL Solutions’ trusted HOMER hybrid power optimization platform. HOMER Front Hybrid Optimization software provides a powerful online web application that helps you model and optimize the technical and economic performance of utility-scale battery energy storage systems (BESS), solar and wind – independently or as hybrid systems.

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For project development, bid evaluation and due diligence

Utilizing HOMER Front Hybrid Optimization’s intuitive interface and robust simulations, you get critical, actionable insights into maximizing multiple energy markets and revenue streams, and determining the most efficient system size, battery dispatch and augmentation strategies.

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Optimize essential aspects of your design and determine your winning system faster

Icon of a solar panel

Size your system

Calculate the optimal size of energy storage, solar, wind and other components in utility-scale systems, whether as standalone, single energy resource systems or combined in hybrid systems.


Icon of a battery charging

Manage battery augmentation

Model battery lifetime, capacity degradation and augmentation or replacement strategies to minimize ongoing expenses and maximize revenue. Custom storage capability enables you to input details that replicate commercially available batteries.


Icon depicting an increasing bar graph

Compare revenue streams for energy markets worldwide

Perform detailed, holistic modeling of most major electricity markets worldwide, including day-ahead, merchant, wholesale or real-time energy markets down to a 15-minute interval. Evaluate power purchasing agreements with time-of-delivery obligations, capacity markets and ancillary services such as frequency regulation. Stack and compare multiple revenue streams and dispatch strategies and calculate revenue possibilities. Select from all major monetary currencies and customize inputs for all specific country or region.

Bar graph icon

Utilize robust sensitivity analysis

De-risk your internal rate of return (IRR) by conducting sensitivity analysis on key performance parameters that often fluctuate, such as solar irradiance, wind speeds or energy market prices. Screen project sites and evaluate site and system economic viability.


Icon of a data report

Create insightful proposals that help demonstrate project value

Quickly turn your project analysis into a customer-facing proposal that presents critical aspects of your project, including revenue streams, technical performance and return on investment. With a detailed proposal, you, your customers and your stakeholders can move forward confidently.


Icon of a leaf inside of a gear

Mitigate risks and make hybrid power system decisions with confidence

Stop utilizing inadequate spreadsheets, and instead rely on accurate, confirmable analysis of multiple inputs of energy resources, markets and dispatch and augmentation strategies that help you maximize return on investment while reliably meeting contractual obligations. HOMER Front Hybrid Optimization provides a trusted third-party model that helps partnering companies, financiers and customers feel more confident.




Techno-Economic Analysis for Utility-Scale Hybrid Systems HOMER Front brochure cover

Techno-Economic Analysis for Utility-Scale Hybrid Systems
HOMER Front brochure

Tap into powerful performance and a trusted third-party model that enables you to share results and data and collaborate with your team without risking intellectual property.

Download the brochure
Financial impact of adding energy storage to a utility-scale photovoltaic solar system case study screenshot

Project feasibility and financial impact case study

Learn how HOMER Front Hybrid Optimization helped a California-based developer identify the expected financial results for a solar-plus storage system.


Read the case study

Put the power of HOMER and UL Solutions to work for you

HOMER software from UL Solutions optimizes the value of your hybrid power systems and energy storage- whether your system is standalone, connected to the grid, behind-the-meter or utility scale. 

License of software and perform your own modeling or utilize our team of experts to support your full project, including market and regulatory assessment, project and site evaluation, technical design and analysis.

Icon of a pie chart on a laptop


Perform your own modeling

Model your projects accurately with a license for HOMER Front web-based software. Each license comes with five training hours to help you get started.

Icon of a filter filtering money


Conduct a project feasibility study

Benefit from a revenue and project viability evaluation performed by UL Solutions’ respected team of independent engineers and the power of HOMER Front Hybrid Optimization.

Hard hat with a medical symbol on it in front of a wind turbine


Receive a full project evaluation

Save time, maximize revenue and increase speed to completion with a full project evaluation by the engineering talent and expertise of UL Solutions advisory services team.


Leverage the value of energy storage and maximize the internal rate of return (IRR) of your project

Get the clear competitive advantage of HOMER Front Hybrid Optimization. Contact us today.

HOMER Front Hybrid Optimization and ULTRUS software

HOMER Front Hybrid Optimization is now part of ULTRUS software, which brings together flagship digital offerings from UL Solutions to help customers address their regulatory, supply chain and sustainability challenges.

Learn about ULTRUS

Leverage the value of energy storage and maximize the internal rate of return (IRR) of your project

Get the clear competitive advantage of HOMER Front Hybrid Optimization. Contact us today.

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