Design wind farms that are optimized for levelized cost of energy with Openwind by UL Solutions. This state-of-the-art software creates turbine layouts to maximize energy production, minimize energy losses, account for development costs and generate overall efficiencies, all on one platform. With Openwind, you can take into account wind resources, wakes, noise, shadow flicker, curtailments, GIS constraints and more. Openwind’s compatibility with other wind software allows you to easily import external wind resource grids and data files into an Openwind project. Developed with more than 30 years of advisory experience, and used by 70 percent of the top global wind developers, Openwind is the comprehensive software you need to design with confidence.
Openwind is a wind farm design and optimization software used throughout a wind project’s development to create optimal turbine layouts that maximize energy production, minimize energy losses, account for plant development costs and generate overall project efficiencies.
Our software was developed by drawing on more than 30 years of advisory expertise, which has helped ensure that stakeholders involved in wind project development around the world have confidence in our platform. Additionally, Openwind’s compatibility with other computer wind programs enables you to seamlessly share files and easily migrate existing procedures into our software.
Optimize layouts and turbine positions to minimize the cost of energy, taking into account energy production, operations and maintenance costs and capital costs including turbine and plant development costs. Understand the impact each turbine has on the bottom line. Arrive at the best layout by taking into account:
Leading-edge wake models consider the dynamic interactions between turbines and atmospheric boundary layer as well as allowing wakes to vary with turbulence intensity and stability. Openwind offers users five different customizable wake models to choose from including:
(12x24s, annual or long-term time series at hourly or 10 minute intervals)
Model effects of directional curtailment by specifying curtailment strategy in detail or by setting criteria for automatic sector management.
Use multi-height met mast data to assess the effects of non-standard shear using the rotor equivalent wind speed and adjust power curves for different ranges of turbulence intensity.
Effective turbulence intensity and terrain complexity
GIS and GPS Integration
Access a comprehensive library of tutorial videos, online help and other materials to support the use of Openwind software.
This latest version, released in August 2020, includes many new features and improvements including:
This induction model is based on the work of ARM Forsting and is a simple, fast, engineering model of the slow-down in front of a wind farm. It attempts to model the difference in incident wind between that experienced by a met mast versus a wind turbine. At present this is highly configurable and considered experimental functionality.
IEC61400-12-1 (editions 1 and 2) – obstacle and terrain analysis tools to allow the easy import, digitisation and enhancement of obstacle and forestry layers.
This functionality facilitates simple, quick and easy, repeatable assessments of measurement sectors for performing power curve tests.
Import shadow flicker strategies as time-series of turbine availability. Assess shadow flicker shutdown losses in the light a fixed shadow flicker budgets and likely real case shadow flicker scenarios based on time-series met data. This functionality will use up a shadow flicker budget based on the likely shadow flicker and then calculate the loss once the turbines have to switch to worst case shadow flicker driven shutdown periods.
Substation Chaining is designed for large multi-phase projects, this modification to the LCOE optimiser allows users to appropriately share the cost of their HV lines among phases.
In Openwind v 1.9 users can access, order and import Wind Resource Grids files and time series data sets directly from UL’s Windnavigator dashboard. In this video you will learn how to access and utilize this new and convenient feature.