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  • Fact Sheet

UL 4600 UL Certified Autonomy Safety Professionals and eXperts

The following individuals have achieved status as an UL 4600 UL Certified Autonomy Safety Professional or eXpert.

First Name Last Name Country Certificate Type Certificate # Expiration Date
Deepak Agarwal USA UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0118 4/30/2025
Adiac Aguilar Sweden UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0143 9/30/2026
Thomas Brakel Canada UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0160 2/28/2028
Qing Cai USA UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0145 9/30/2026
Troy Chapman USA UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0132 10/31/2025
Sivarama Krishnan Chembai Narayana Canada UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0119 5/31/2025
James Chen Canada UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0133 10/31/2025
Nagarjuna Reddy Chenchu USA UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0134 10/31/2025
Tim Dawkins USA UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0141 1/31/2026
Vineed Dayal USA UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0138 12/31/2025
Sai Charan Dekkata USA UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0121 5/31/2025
Francesca Favaro USA UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0123 5/31/2025
Andrew Ferree USA UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0137 11/30/2025
Laura Fraade-Blanar USA UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0124 6/30/2025
Patrick Freundel Germany UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0156 1/31/2028
Smitha Gautham USA UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0129 9/30/2025
Zachary Goldstein USA UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0140 1/31/2026
Jongsik Hwang Republic of Korea UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0153 8/31/2027
Shinhun Jeong Republic of Korea UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0154 8/31/2027
Jyohan Joglekar Germany UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0135 10/31/2025
Jeong Chan Kim Republic of Korea UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0139 12/31/2025
Surya Kopparthi USA UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0131 10/31/2025
Angelina Kretz USA UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0149 7/31/2027
Hae Chang Lee Republic of Korea UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0152 8/31/2027
Donato Luongo Italy UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0122 5/31/2025
Kiyoshi Miyashita Japan UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0125 6/30/2025
Koye Oyesiku USA UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0142 3/31/2026
Brick Park Republic of Korea  UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0151 8/31/2027
Mike Pidwerbecki Canada UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0150 7/31/2027
Xin Qi Canada UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0147 4/30/2027
Ben Quigley USA UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0126 6/30/2025
Krystian Radlak Poland UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0158 1/31/2028
Siddharth Ram USA UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0136 11/30/2025
Estela Rojas Mexico UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0159 2/28/2028
Scott Schnelle USA UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0117 2/28/2025
Mithun Shetty Canada UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0155 1/31/2028
Shivanshi Shukla USA UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0128 7/31/2025
Pratap Singh USA UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0120 5/31/2025
Turbo Song China UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0146 12/31/2026
Ralph Sprang USA UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0127 6/30/2025
Ruben Strenzke USA UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0130 10/31/2025
Ikue Warren USA UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0144 9/30/2026
Thorsten Wilks Germany UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0157 1/31/2028
James Young USA UL-CASP: Autonomous CASP4600-0148 4/30/2027