Connected toys: Safety for a modern world
An e-guide for toy manufacturers and retailers
Connected toys and children’s products can provide hours of fun and intellectual stimulation for children of all ages. Due to an increase in demand for intelligent and interactive connected toys, the potential benefits that connecting to the internet and Internet of Things (IoT) can bring are unparalleled in the history of toy manufacture. However, connectivity also brings new challenges to toy manufacturers of electronic and wireless devices for learning and gaming.
Parents who want to provide their children a learning opportunity might turn to toys that promote STEM — science, technology, engineering and math. Some toy robots allow kids to program the robot’s movements, teaching the basics of coding. Some IoT devices can help kids stay healthy, with fitness trackers and smart toothbrushes.
The toy and children’s product industry is highly regulated to protect the safety and health of the young consumers who use them. Toys and children’s products entail very specific safety concerns since their intended users may play with them in unintended but foreseeable ways. Plus, parents have understandable concerns about the health and safety of their children.
In addition, connected toys bring even greater potential risks, including privacy and security concerns. Toys and children’s products that contain cameras, microphones and GPS locators can expose children to threats that were unimaginable when the most advanced feature of a toy was an adjustable handle on a jack-in-the-box.
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Connected toys: Safety for a modern world