Asbestos oversight (CA) infosheet
Meet California’s requirements for asbestos testing and inspection during renovation or demolition.
There is a common misconception that buildings constructed after 1980 do not contain asbestos, but products containing asbestos have not been completely banned from import into the United States or installation into current buildings. That is why federal, state and local regulatory agencies throughout California require owners or operators to conduct a survey for asbestos-containing materials (ACM) prior to any demolition or renovation activities irrespective of the building age. Regulatory agencies are enforcing this rule now more than ever, and demolition permits may be held up for lack of asbestos bulk survey in buildings of any age. Failing to meet these requirements often results in fines and other penalties.
UL Solutions asbestos bulk surveys consist of a site visit to inspect building materials likely to be disturbed during renovation or demolition. Suspect materials are sampled and sent to a local accredited laboratory for analysis. A report is generated listing areas inspected with mapped locations of building materials sampled and analytical results along with details and photographs. In the case of asbestos containing material being found, the report will be used as a road map by a certified asbestos abatement company to abate these materials. To help protect the owner and to verify all regulations are followed during abatement, UL Solutionscan provide asbestos abatement monitoring, oversight and final visual/air clearance.
UL Solutions can act as the owner’s representative by providing asbestos abatement oversight, monitoring and final visual/air clearances during the abatement process. A Cal-OSHA certified asbestos consultant/site surveillance technician will monitor the abatement activities to help ensure that all work is performed in accordance with project specifications and applicable state guidelines and regulations. A daily log is maintained that provides primary documentation of the abatement contractor’s activities, as well as any other events important to the project. Perimeter area air samples are collected continuously during abatement activities and a final visual and air clearance is conducted to assess that the area is safe for re-occupancy. When the asbestos abatement has been completed, a final abatement closeout report is issued, including all required document submittals concerning the abatement and sample analysis results.
UL Solutions has three offices in California with certified individuals available to conduct asbestos bulk surveys, abatement oversight and clearance. Additionally, our team can assist with any of your other hazardous material and industrial hygiene related needs.
Asbestos oversight (CA) infosheet
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