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Simplify the Management of Cable Design and Manufacture

Approximately 70%-80% of cable costs can be attributed to raw materials. So, reducing the cost of cable production is vital to maintaining profitability. The starting point is cable design.

Exposed wires from insulation.

Approximately 70%-80% of cable costs can be attributed to raw materials alone. Reducing the cost of cable production is, therefore, key to maintaining profitability. And the starting point is cable design.

Our CableBuilder software helps manage the process for complete cycle of cable design and manufacture through typical workflow milestones of design, customer quotation, ordering, production, quality assurance, and enterprise resource planning (ERP) system integration.

Reducing costs to maintain competitiveness

By consolidating different processes and systems into a single application, CableBuilder delivers three key benefits to cable manufacturers:

  1. Improved costings accuracy – Storing essential product and pricing data in spreadsheets alone is challenging to maintain. Too much information and many versions quickly lead to mistakes that impact the bottom line.

    Consolidating all relevant data and processes within CableBuilder’s one application helps:
    • Improve the accuracy of data and full version control
    • Save time
    • Automatically update according to industry standards with no customer input required
    • Provide confidence in traceability for compliance and quality management
    • Capture the intellectual know-how of crucial staff so that product knowledge can be accessed regardless of annual or unexpected leave.
  2. Reduced waste – CableBuilder supports the production of a ‘digital twin’ through complex algorithms built by in-house teams. This helps design engineers to more quickly and accurately cost different models before committing to the expense of manufacturing – potentially reducing significant waste as a result.
  3. Automated labor-intensive tasks – Design engineers and commercial staff value CableBuilder’s support on time-consuming tasks. All calculations and costings are configurable, to help achieve rapid design and response to customer times. Reporting is also fully customizable with outputs in Word, Excel, PDF, and any chosen language.

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