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UL Solutions Report and FUS Procedure

Content Breakdown

two men in protective gear look at a laptop

Authorization page 

The first page in UL Solutions' FUS procedure that authorizes use of the UL Mark. The authorization page contains the name, address and corporate identifier of the applicant, listee, and manufacturers, and the UL Solutions product category (CCN). Note: This is a system-generated page.

Page heading example:
File E123 Vol. 1 Issued: 2006-03-20


Addendum to the authorization page

If the volume has more than one manufacturer, the authorization page contains an addendum page. The addendum list all the manufacturers’ corporate identifiers, names, and addresses for the volume. Additionally, for Ultralink volumes, the manufacturer’s factory identifications will also be included on the addendum under each manufacturer. Note: This is a system-generated page.

Listing (or Classification) Mark data page

Contains information regarding procurement, composition, and application of the UL Mark. This is a form document; only the file, volume, and label control number are edited.

Page heading example:
File E123 Vol. 1 NWGQ Page 1 Issued: 6/01


Recognized Component Mark data page (not revised)

Outlines the Recognized Component marking requirements that a component manufacturer is authorized to apply to a component manufactured under UL's Recognition service. It consists of the Recognized company identification/name and catalog number, model number or other designation. The UL Recognized Component Mark may be used in conjunction with the Recognized marking. This is a form that is not edited, but is linked to the applicable volumes.

Page heading example:
Recognized Component Mark data page (RCMD)



A page outlining the models or products covered under the sections of the report. Organized by volume number, which may or may not contain the section number and issued date of the report.

Page heading example:
File E123 Vol. 1 Index Page 1 Issued: 2006-03-20



The portion of UL Solutions' FUS procedure containing instructions for the manufacturer and UL Solutions' field representative concerning specific responsibilities and required tests for products bearing the UL Mark. The appendix also outlines tests to be conducted on FUS samples forwarded to UL Solutions' facilities. Note: These pages are supplemental to the standardized appendix pages, and are tailored to each file and volume.

Page heading example:
File E123 Vol. 1 App. A Page 5 Issued: 2004-03-31


Standardized appendix pages (SAPs)

Pages that include specific instructions and responsibilities applicable to the Follow-Up Service program. SAPs are the same for all manufacturers within a particular product category. Note: These pages are not edited, but are linked to the applicable volumes.

Page heading example:
App. A Page 1 Issued: Sept. 18, 1998


Follow-up inspection instructions (FUIIs):

Specific instructions and responsibilities applicable to UL Solutions' FUS program. FUIIs are generally issued when the UL Standard is included in the procedure. FUIIs are the same for all manufacturers within a particular product category. Note: These pages are not edited, but are linked to the applicable volumes.

Page heading example:
Subject 508A -1- Issued: August 12, 2002


Section general

This section is prepared under the heading “general” and identified as “sec. gen.” It is intended to contain description, requirements, or specifications that are common to all products covered by the entire volume and, when employed, supplements the information contained in the several description sections.

Page heading example:
File E123 Vol. 1 Sec Gen Page 6 Issued: 2005-03-03


Report cover page

Every report (whether an integrated report and procedure, or an independent report) includes a report cover page, containing the file, project number, issued date, applicant name and location, listee name and location (if different from the applicant), copyright information, and may or may not include a permissive statement to the applicant for report reproduction purposes.


A portion of the FUS procedure (identified as a numbered section) and/or a report (identified by a unique issued date) containing the specific description of one or more certified products or systems. The description includes written text supplemented by photographs, drawings, etc., to define product features that affect compliance with the applicable requirements.

Independent procedure (IP) description

A procedure whose “description” is prepared completely independent of the report.

Page heading example:
File E123 Vol. 1 Sec. 1 Page 1 Issued: 2006-03-20


Integrated report and procedure (RP) description

A description that is shared by both the FUS procedure and report.

Page heading example:
File E123 Vol. 1 Sec. 1 and report Page 1 Issued: 2006-03-20


Independent report (IR) description

A report whose “description” is prepared completely independent of the FUS procedure. Note: A volume or section is not associated to an IR.

Page heading example:
File E123 Page 1 Issued: 2006-03-20


Test record

The portion of a UL certification report that describes the test methods used and the results obtained during investigation of a product.

The “page T2-1 of 3” is interpreted as test record 2 page 1 of 3 pages (within test record 2).

Page heading example:
File E123 Page T2-1 of 3 Issued: 2006-03-20


Conclusion page

Outlining the basis for Listing, the conclusion statement is developed to fit the situation and shall be as authorized for specific categories by the department manager.

Page heading example:
File E123 Page C1 Issued: 2006-03-20
Supplemental images or scanned documentation?

Figure – A photograph or drawing of a product or part under consideration for Listing (or other) that depicts the critical features or components; its main purpose is to assist the field representative under UL Solutions' FUS program. A figure is always identified by the term “FIG” followed by a number, and is accompanied in the UL Solutions report and/or FUS procedure by descriptive text on adjacent pages.

  • Acceptable figure formats: .jpg, .tif, .pdf, .doc or .rtf
  • Page headings for figures will be inserted electronically when printed at UL Solutions

Illustration – The term used to identify a photograph, drawing, booklet, etc. that helps describe a certified product. “ILL” and a number identifies each illustration within a UL Solutions report and/or FUS procedure.

  • Acceptable illustration formats: .jpg, .tif, .pdf, .doc or .rtf
  • Page headings for illustrations are inserted electronically when printed at UL Solutions

Data sheet package – The data recorded from the testing that was conducted; these are stored as a supplement to the test record document.

  • Acceptable data sheet formats: .tif, .pdf, .xls, .doc or .rtf