UL Solutions 可提供协助。对于电子和电气产品行业,凭借从设计到生产再到废弃处置的全套化学品法规合规服务,UL 协助确认您和您的供应链满足相应的法规要求,并实现可持续发展目标。
UL Solutions 是全球应用安全科学专家,我们凭借自己在电气和电子产品测试和认证方面的专业知识,协助许多公司确认是否符合监管要求,在全球有很高的认可度。凭借在化学测试、咨询和化学品数据管理软件方面的经验,UL Solutions 愿成为贵司化学品方面满足合规需求的合作伙伴。
依据客户的实际情况,UL 提供定制化服务,以协助客户解决遇到的合规挑战和潜在管理风险。无论是要测试产品和材料、审查产品中披露的所有材料,还是组合执行产品测试和材料分析,UL Solutions 都可以提供协助。
UL 可以协助客户辨别出供应链中的危险和受限物质,以及目标市场对于电子和电气产品的化学品法规,以使客户随时了解新出现及不断变化的法规要求。
凭借全面的法规合规服务,UL 可以赋能企业清楚理解法规要求的关键点。
UL 将与企业合作,确定高效且具成本效益的方式,协助确认企业的产品是否符合主要市场的化学品法规。UL Solutions 提供化学测试以及相应的安全、认证、质量和性能测试及认证服务打包服务。避免重复测试,从而帮助企业降低成本并降低项目时间。UL 也可以协助企业建立一个化学品数据管理方法,利用强大的软件和数据库来访问和管理合规要求。
凭借 UL Solutions 化学品数据管理软件,企业可以记录、管理和跟踪产品、物品、材料和物质的属性和影响:
- 管理产品组合中的化学物质
- 了解供应链提供的(上一级)产品中含有哪些化学品
- 识别出并符合可能影响企业的产品开发、运输、分销和销售的法规
- 评估和确认法规对新产品开发和已上市产品的影响
为了完善安全、供应链管理和可持续发展的整体方法,UL 依托在化学品法规及有关化学品的条文方面的丰富专业知识,提供化学品法规咨询服务和培训。 以下列出了 UL 可以协助企业解决的问题:
- 市场就绪报告
- 标签审查
- 化学品政策制定与管理
- 受限物质清单支持
UL 可以提供专家咨询和软件解决方案,以协助企业编写安全数据表 (SDS),创建标签,翻译 SDS 和生成合规报告,用于根据全球法规筛选材料清单或配方,助力解决企业的合规需求。
凭借 UL 的安全科学、法规和行业专业知识,协助企业降低风险并将产品高效地推向市场
UL 提供的服务可以协助企业了解、应用和证明符合全球主要法规,包括不同的有害物质限制 (RoHS) 法规,例如 EU RoHS、UAE RoHS、SASO RoHS 和中国 RoHS。这些法规规定了在制造电气和电子设备 (EEE) 过程中使用的有害物质。此外,关于报废电气电子设备 (WEEE) 的 2012/19/EU 指令规定了对此类设备的报废处置。所有适用于欧洲市场的产品均须通过 WEEE 合规并带有带轮垃圾箱标志。
UL 还可以针对以下法规为企业提供协助:
- 各种电池法规
- 加州 65 号提案
- 儿童产品中高度关注的化学品 (CHCCP) 规则——美国的某些州有此要求
- 关于持久性有机污染物 (POP) 的斯德哥尔摩公约
- 化学品注册、评估、授权和限制 (REACH) 法规
- 废弃物框架指令 (WFD) 物品及复杂物品(产品)中关注物质 (SCIP) 通报
- 有毒物质控制法 (TSCA)
- 关于包装和包装废弃物的 94/62/EC 指令
- 包装材料中有毒物质控制示范法规
UL 还可以协助确认您的电子和电气设备是否符合相关的市场准入要求。它们可能包括食品接触材料法规,例如相关的中国 GB 标准、日本食品卫生法、欧盟法规 (EC) 1935/2004 和 (EC) 10/2011,以及美国 Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 食品接触材料法规,如 21 CFR 170-199 部分所述。

Anticipating regulatory change so you can manage market access
Manufacturers, importers and retailers of electronic and electrical products must comply with a growing number of complex health and environmental regulations. We’ll help you manage chemical compliance from design to production to disposal — and meet supply chain requirements and sustainability goals.
We are experts in electronics and electrical regulations
Improve your understanding of relevant global requirements and how they impact your portfolio, including manufacturing regulations such as Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) legislations (EU RoHS, UAE RoHS, SASO RoHS and China RoHS) and disposal regulations including the Directive 2012/19/EU on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE).

We offer services and software to help you manage compliance activities for:
- California Proposition 65
- Chemicals of High Concern in Children’s Products (CHCC) Rule — required in certain U.S. states
- Directive 94/62/EC and Northeast Recycling Council
- Food contact material regulations for China, Japan, the EU and the United States
- Notification for Waste Framework Directive Substances of Concern In articles as such or in complex objects (Products) (SCIP)
- Per- and polyfluorinated substances (PFAS) testing, total fluorine screening and targeted PFAS analysis
- Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH)
- Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)
- Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)
- Various battery regulations
Chemical testing, advisory and chemical data management solutions
We help companies address compliance challenges and manage potential risk:

Test products and materials

Review all materials disclosed in products

Combine product testing and material analysis
Comprehensive chemical data management software
We provide easy-to-use digital products that empower manufacturers of electrical and electronics products to understand and manage their portfolio’s chemical compliance risks. Get regulatory information, supply chain assessment tools, and software to efficiently comply with regulations throughout the product lifecycle.
Chemical testing and certification for electronics
Streamline testing activities and costs with a custom strategy from UL Solutions. We can coordinate chemical compliance testing with safety, certification, quality and performance testing and certification services to help you get into market faster.
Holistic guidance for chemical regulatory compliance
Get the expert support you need to make positive changes in support of chemical compliance. We can work with you to improve safety training, establish proactive compliance policies, and transform safety data sheet (SDS) creation and distribution.
Retail Center of Excellence for consumer products testing
Our global network of laboratories helps manufacturers of electronics and electrical products tackle an array of compliance issues, including for chemicals of concern and restricted substances programs. Our Retail Center of Excellence in Lowell, Arkansas is fully equipped to help you pinpoint safety risks, enter global markets, reduce environmental impact and boost confidence in the quality of your products.
Download: Chemical compliance sell sheet
Learn about the range of services we offer to support compliance activities for electronics and electrical products.

Chemical Testing, Advisory and Data Management Services for Electrical and Electronic Products
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