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Card Manufacturer Payment Security

UL Solutions helps card manufacturers navigate security and compliance challenges. We provide implementation planning, testing and certification services across multiple phases of your product development.

Contactless payment with credit card

The importance of payment security for card manufacturers

As our world becomes more interconnected and cashless, consumers and businesses focus on the need for enhanced security. For card manufacturers, it is crucial that products are designed to meet the rising security and convenience demands of a digitized world.

UL Solutions works with card manufacturers to help them navigate security and compliance complexity. We bring clarity and empower trust to support innovative card design and production. We provide implementation planning, testing, and certification throughout the full life cycle of your product development. You can leverage UL Solutions’ pro-active collaboration with global industry players to stay ahead of the curve on emerging technologies and trends.

Related card manufacturer payment security services and UL Solutions test tools

Payment security services

UL Solutions test tools 

Utilize UL Solutions payment security softwares to streamline testing and improve security. Our test tools offer solutions complete with qualities that help increase efficiency and scope across payment security functions and testing specifications. To name a few of these qualities, our softwares are designed in mind of flexibility, intuition, automation and—most importantly—support for scheme compliance. In a world of evolving payment methods and mobile payment capabilities, we've made it easy for industry designers such as card manufacturers and payment app developers to use UL test tools to enhance performance when testing against payment scheme specifications.   

Experience optimized payment security when you: 

  • Analyze the performance between a smart card and a terminal with UL Card SPY. 
  • Test your mobile payment applications against payment scheme specification with UL Cloud-based Functional Test Suites.
  • Conduct UL EMV PVT tests with our EMV Personalization Validation Tool. 
  • Perform pre-certification on your payment application with UL Payment Card Functional Test Suites.
  • Access a comprehensive set of test suites for testing GlobalPlatform (GP) card implementations with UL GlobalPlatform Compliance Test Suites for Cards.
  • Translate/visualize communication with UL Mobile spy. 

Why UL Solutions for card manufacturer payment security

Card manufacturers work with UL Solutions to help gain flexibility and scalability and to strive for accelerated business growth. We deliver testing and certification expertise globally, providing card manufacturers with a flexible range of support with the following benefits. Our services aim to help you achieve:

  • Shortened development life cycles
  • Faster time-to-market and increased revenue
  • Clear and actionable issue reporting

Let us help you meet your compliance needs and take full advantage of emerging opportunities in the smart payments space.


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